Upcoming Presentations


Attendees play a pivotal role in presentations because they bring expertise, insight, and real-world experiences to the forefront. By engaging with educators through interactive activities, discussion and thought experiments, we collaboratively discover how curriculum content can support their classroom needs.

Presentations and webinars include interactive in-person or virtual professional development for organizations and teams at a school, district or nation-wide level. Virtual webinars include the use EdTech tools like Nearpod, Pear Deck and Mural to involve educators in the learning process.

Presentation services include:

  • Professional Development Facilitation

  • School Leader Support to Implement Curriculum

  • Coaching & Mentoring Educators or Departments

  • Student Engagement & Advocacy Systems

Topics that can be covered:

  • What is wealth? Why are root causes of our nation’s wealth gaps?

  • Why is financial literacy crucial?

  • How can we center women and people of color in financial literacy?

  • How can we use podcasts, texts and social media to engage learners?

  • How can we break down complex investment topics like stocks, ETFs and real estate?

  • How can we responsibility teach our learners about the possibilities of Web 3.0, blockchain and cryptocurrency?

  • How can we use AI and EdTech tools in our classrooms to enhance our lessons?